#ShareHomeIs Home is making soup with carrots from the backyard garden. http://t.co/G7vgxg4pw3
Monthly Archives: November 2013
Tweet: #ShareHomeIs @HomeMattersUSA 2014 Goal: Home Matt…
#ShareHomeIs @HomeMattersUSA 2014 Goal: Home Matters heart balloon in Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade! Go for it!
Tweet: Home is where we gather for #Thanksgiving with lov…
Home is where we gather for #Thanksgiving with loved ones. #ShareHomeIs Happy Holidays from Community Frameworks!
Tweet: Home is decorating for the holidays #ShareHomeIs
Home is decorating for the holidays #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: Check out the latest @HomeMattersUSA Talks, featur…
Check out the latest @HomeMattersUSA Talks, featuring Deborah De Santis, President and CEO @CSHInfo! youtube.com/watch?v=XHFnej… #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: Check out the latest @HomeMattersUSA Talks, featur…
Check out the latest @HomeMattersUSA Talks, featuring Deborah De Santis, President and CEO @CSHInfo? youtube.com/watch?v=XHFnej… #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: We’re working to make this even more true: RT @Hom…
We’re working to make this even more true: RT @HomeMattersUSA: Home is where generations of memories are made #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: Home is where generations of memories are made #Sh…
Home is where generations of memories are made #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: Home is where playing Mr. Mom is not a chore. Wha…
Home is where playing Mr. Mom is not a chore. What is your “Home is…” #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: #ShareHomeIs Home Matters: Watch “Home Matters for…
#ShareHomeIs Home Matters: Watch “Home Matters for Health” panel@megansandelndel explain how housing is a vital syoutu.be/xnneRi5v01kYY94
Tweet: @swolau What does home mean to you, Susanna? #Shar…
@swolau What does home mean to you, Susanna? #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: @taylorhoman Ohio pride! What does home mean to yo…
@taylorhoman Ohio pride! What does home mean to you, Taylor? #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: @Shiner49r What does home mean to you, Jake? #Shar…
@Shiner49r What does home mean to you, Jake? #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: @PJWoelfel What does home mean to you, Pat? #Share…
@PJWoelfel What does home mean to you, Pat? #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: Home is a place where our family’s memories will b…
Home is a place where our family’s memories will be made #ShareHomeIs
Instagram picture
It was a perfect day for a ribbon cutting! Thanks to Mayor Luttrell and all of our partners! #openhouse #sharehomeis #homematters #nofilter
Tweet: San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee talks about SF’s eff…
San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee talks about SF’s efforts in building homes for veterans & SFers. bit.ly/17uKvqG #ShareHomeIs.
Tweet: Click link + “like” awesome photo = SUCCESS http:…
Click link + “like” awesome photo = SUCCESS
Please help us win the @HomeMattersUSA Sticker Challenge! #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: Home is where you triple-word score http://t.co/Q4…
Home is where you triple-word score facebook.com/photo.php?fbid… @HomeMattersUSA #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: Thanks for following & RT’ing! @missliss_bodie…
Thanks for following & RT’ing! @missliss_bodie! What does home mean to you? #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee talks about SF’s eff…
San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee talks about SF’s efforts in building homes for veterans & SFers. bit.ly/17uKvqG #ShareHomeIs.
Tweet: We need your help to win the @HomeMattersUSA Stick…
We need your help to win the @HomeMattersUSA Sticker Challenge! Click the link & hit “like” then share! facebook.com/photo.php?fbid… #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: #ShareHomeIs healthy, safe and energy efficient #G…
#ShareHomeIs healthy, safe and energy efficient #GHHI #Healthyhomes
Tweet: Home Matters for Health #ShareHomeIs http://t.co/x…
Home Matters for Health #ShareHomeIs fb.me/1rrEY1OSV
Tweet: http://t.co/TewrcL7CaB >San Francisco Mayor Edw…
youtube.com/watch?v=g34k_r… >San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee remarks at the “Home Matters for Health” symposium on 11/05/13, for #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: More from @HomeMattersUSA event last week in SF, f…
More from @HomeMattersUSA event last week in SF, featuring speaker @mayoredlee: bit.ly/HNNTRP #ShareHomeIs #veterans
Tweet: Home Matters shares a powerful story of a family m…
Home Matters shares a powerful story of a family making important decisions on home that impact health: youtu.be/wWM8nMS_2Qs #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: Deborah Boatright @neighborworks says “its obvious…
Deborah Boatright @neighborworks says “its obvious that home matters to Pennsylvania” @HomeMattersUSA #sharehomeis http://t.co/REbnv3h9NZ
Tweet: @HomeMattersUSA Home Matters for Health #sharehome…
@HomeMattersUSA Home Matters for Health #sharehomeis
Tweet: Dr. @megansandel on the excruciating decisions par…
Dr. @megansandel on the excruciating decisions parents must make when home impacts health bit.ly/18dsc46 #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: Home Matters for Health. How? Dr. Megan Sandal exp…
Home Matters for Health. How? Dr. Megan Sandal explains. #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: “The prescription I wanted to write was a healthy…
“The prescription I wanted to write was a healthy home” youtube.com/watch?v=wWM8nM… #ShareHomeIs @HomeMattersUSA
Tweet: Dr. Megan Sandel speaks about difficult decisions…
Dr. Megan Sandel speaks about difficult decisions parents must often make when Home impacts health: bit.ly/1aHHdB9 #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: Access to affordable housing is linked to many oth…
Access to affordable housing is linked to many other important measures, like education and health #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: Thank you to @HUDgov DepSec Jones for sharing his…
Thank you to @HUDgov DepSec Jones for sharing his personal story of why Home Matters for Health. #ShareHomeIs http://t.co/DVgn3LEMip
Tweet: Thanks for the follow @LoriAGrim! What does home m…
Thanks for the follow @LoriAGrim! What does home mean to you? #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: Home is where early education happens. #ShareHome…
Home is where early education happens. #ShareHomeis #HousingMatters h/t @IanBinMD http://t.co/mdIGJwdufh
Tweet: So true: kids need a home to thrive RT “Lack of af…
So true: kids need a home to thrive RT “Lack of affordable housing forces families to shuffle around to many school districts.” #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: MRT @HUDPacific: #ShareHomeIs panel members agree…
MRT @HUDPacific: #ShareHomeIs panel members agree that housing industry needs to partner w/ healthcare providers
Tweet: @National_MLP at @homemattersusa today we talked h…
@National_MLP at @HomeMattersUSA today we talked how legal care thru MLP delivers the “healthy home prescription” #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: @NCHH we need this Rx pad MT @HomeMattersUSA: “The…
@NCHH we need this Rx pad MT @HomeMattersUSA: “The prescription I wanted to write was a healthy home.” @megansandel #ShareHomeIs”
Tweet: Hey @The_BMC @homemattersusa today highlighted Chi…
Hey @The_BMC @HomeMattersUSA today highlighted Children’s HealthWatch work on why housing is a vaccine for young kids #sdoh #sharehomeis
Tweet: Thx @homemattersusa @TNDC for a great #sharehomeis…
Thx @HomeMattersUSA @TNDC for a great #sharehomeis mtg- housing is the vital sign we need to take on every patient to achieve health #sdoh
Tweet: At @TNDC @HomeMattersUSA symposium, @megansandel a…
At @TNDC @HomeMattersUSA symposium, @megansandel advocates that doctors view housing as a “vital sign” – via @DonaldFalk #sharehomeis
Tweet: #ShareHomeIs creating stable neighborhoods as a ve…
Tweet: @HUDPacific Who was Brother Kelley Cullen? http://…
@HUDPacific Who was Brother Kelley Cullen? tndc.org/about-us/remem… #ShareHomeIs via @TNDC
Tweet: “Lack of affordable housing forces families to shu…
“Lack of affordable housing forces families to shuffle around to many school districts.” #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: @HUDPacific Great pics and interesting vitals on t…
@HUDPacific Great pics and interesting vitals on the Kelley Cullen Community tndc.org/property/kelly… #ShareHomeIs
Tweet: Q&A “what do we do to integrate the data from…
Q&A “what do we do to integrate the data from all these different systems?” #ShareHomeIs http://t.co/2DAtSjDmGv
Tweet: @HUDPacific Great tour of @TNDC Kelley Cullen Comm…
@HUDPacific Great tour of @TNDC Kelley Cullen Community with @DonaldFalk and Dr. Bamberger #ShareHomeIs http://t.co/EVb3MLSYPs