Reinvestment Partners
Reinvestment Partners’ mission is to advocate for economic justice and opportunity. We do this by providing direct services to People, revitalizing Places, and advocating for just Policies. We advocate for change in the lending practices of financial institutions in order to promote wealth building of underserved communities and to end predatory lending practices that strip wealth.
Formed in 1986 as a project of the North Carolina Legal Services, Reinvestment Partners plays a key role in shaping the attitudes and policies of banks toward CRA and community development. Through challenges of bank mergers, we have secured agreements totaling more than $40 billion in mortgages, small business lending, and community development investments for low wealth communities. These agreements have led to countless partnerships between banks and nonprofits.
Advocacy is informed by our financial services. markets affordable, quality prepaid & debit cards for safe payment of employees by employers.
Reinvestment Partners produced & distributed Nuestro Barrio, financial education in Spanish with a telenovela format. Distributed into more than 25 million households nationwide, we won awards for its effectiveness.
Reinvestment Partners financed North Carolina’s first nonprofit manufactured housing land trust community in Burnsville. We are engaged in the redevelopment of our East Geer Street neighborhood through commercial revitalization and remove blighted properties throughout Durham and North Carolina.
Reinvestment Partners does Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) & coordinates a statewide coalition of VITA tax sites. We are an IRS Low-Income Tax Clinic (LITC).
As a HUD-Approved Housing Counseling Agency, we helped hundreds of homeowners prevent foreclosure with NCHFA funds. We do home buyer education & counseling.
Reinvestment Partners says "no" to what is wrong, "yes" to what is right, and helps build the alternative. We work with whom we can, when we can, with what we have to make a difference in our communities.